Saturday 19 May 2007

Visions Of Marc

This was going to be a follow up to 'A Poet's Memory'. A collection of illustrations called 'Visions Of Marc', but was never published.

Electric Wizard

From a comic strip called 'The Wizard' published in 1992 by The Marc Bolan Liberation Front

Warrior Slide

Quick pencil sketch from 2001

Jurassic Marc

From a poster design published in ATMFC

Jasper C Debussy

Cover from a comic strip published in 'The Groover' Fanzine

Smiley Shirt

Detail from Comic Book Cover


Detail from a larger painting

Christmas Bop

From a comic strip first published in 'The Groover' Fanzine

A Poet's Memory

The cover of A Poet's Memory published in 1992

Think Zinc

Sketch with Felt tip pen

Teeth Of The Hydra

Pencil sketch

Weeley Festival

Detail from 'A Poet's Memory' published in 1992.

Zinc Alloy

A detail from 'A Poet's Memory' published in 1992.

Marc Bolan '74

A detail from 'A Poet's Memory' published in 1992.

The Slider

A painting design I created in 2005

Unicorn Horn

A cartoon for the Unicorn Horn Yahoo group

Marc & The Wizard

Showing The Wizard seeing a Dworn attck. From a comic strip I wrote and illustrated.

Marc & Steve cartoon

Bolan and Took from a comic strip published in the T.Rex fanzine ATMFC.

Tyrannosurus Rex

Bolan and Visconti

Marc, Tony and Mickey Finn working on 'The Slider' LP in Denmark 1972


Dworn-Machinery of war, a bronze frame with wheels of white ivory and the horns of a gazelle for steering, so sayeth Agadinmar